Nandi and the Tigers

     There is a poor boy in this story. He gave some birthday present from his parents.He was so happy but he lost them because some tigers tried to eat him. He gave the tigers his present not to eat from them. In this story, I have three favorite sienes.
“What is going on? The four tigers are fighting. They are fighting on the lawn.”
The tigers shouted to each other,
“I’m the most handsome tiger with my red shirt.”
“I’m the most handsome tiger with my blue pants.”
“I’m the most handsome tiger with my purple shoes.”
“I’m the most handsome tiger with my green umbrella.”
I thought they are cute! First I thought they are scared because they robbed the boy’s things. I didn’t like them but they looked like cats in this seine.

The tigers ran in circles. They ran around the tree. Each tiger was running after the other three. The tigers ran so fast around the tree. They turned into yellow and black striped butter, as you can see.
I was surprised that tigers changed into butter.

Dad made some pancakes for them to eat. It was delicious. The butter was so sweet. Dad ate five pancakes. Mom ate four. Nandi ate at least ten or more.
I was glad that they became happy. I want to eat pancakes that made by butter of tigers too.

